Monday, February 20, 2012

The cat known as Optimus Prime.

          In 2010 I adopted a cat and named it Optimus Prime. I had a cat as a child but I was never responsible to take care of a cat, so I was a bit nervous when I first got him. But much to my surprise he was very well behaved and took a liking to his brother (my dog Jaegermeister) right away. Optimus Prime and my dog would play with eachother, clean eachother, as well as occasionally lay next to eachother. Its was great during the day because while I was gone for almost twelve hours at a time he had a partner in crime to keep him company. After the break up I left the cat with her, because when I adopted the cat it was meant for us, but that didn't last and I already had Jaeger so we agreed that Optimus would stay with her. When she left and it was just Jaeger and me, I remember when I would come back from calculus and Jaeger would literally sit 18 inches from the door just staring like someone is eventually going to come through that door. He wasn't waiting by the door because he was hungry, or because he had to go for a walk, no he was sitting by the door because he was waiting for his mommy and brother to return. That day never came and me and Jaeger moved into our new home. The one thing that meant the most to me during the break up wasn't my feelings or her feelings, as stupid as it sounds; my concern was a ten pound chiuahuahs feelings. He's a dog and he didn't understand what was actually happening, he just knew that two people that had been in his life were not there. He would whine and mope around the apartment and no matter what I did to make him feel better he would go back to that same spot right infront of the door. The reason I bring this up is because when I parked in my parking spot this evening there was a cat that jumped out of the bushes and he looked like Optimus Prime. Sometimes while I'm home Jaeger still goes by the door and whines uncontrollably. He doesn't necessarily remember what happened last summer but I do remember those days because Jaegermeister wasn't the only one waiting by the door for his mommy or brother to come back home. Now I'm just waiting for the day I can wake up and feel like there's not a gaping hole in my chest.

I never felt alone until I met you..........
-Mike Dominick

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