So last night I went to Benihana's with Mike W and Christie (Mike W's lady friend). It was nice to go out with friends after a long week of work and school. I wasn't sure how I would feel after going to Benihana's after a year of not going. Benihana's was a restaurant that was reserved for me and someone that was once the love of my life. There has been a list of places in my mind that I have avoided because I just didn't want to think about her. So last night I was concerned that I might be a "Debbie Downer" or perhaps tear up. But I am happy to report that I reclaimed a place for myself that was once considered off limits. It's refreshing to throw away things from your past and replace those old memories with people that care about you. After reflecting about last night, it made me realize that the people who were your friends before certain people come in/out of your life will remain your friends, because they care about you. The people that come in and out of your life never really cared and never really mattered (just lessons learned at best). After Benihana's we went over to D street and Encinitas and raged. I had a blast mingling with strangers and chatting it up with some cute blond woman. Then towards the end of the night some dude came up to me telling me about how his ex girlfriend was calling him up. He goes on to tell me that his friends told him to be done with it and stay away. I told him he should listen to his friends, but he seemed more interested in the short sighted goal :-/ Oh well I can't harp on the guy. Like myself some of us just have to learn the hard way.

This week in crossfit was a week that used a lot of heavy weights in the workouts, which is in my favor, but man am I sore. On Saturday my favorite coach was coaching (Ashley), she's a good trainer and not bad to look at while I'm working out ( motivation (-: haha in the event she reads this YES I think your good looking!). It was a small class like 6 people. After the WOD (workout of the day) Mac accused me of not doing all the reps. I didn't think much of it at the time, but F that noise! I always do all the reps and put 100% into each WOD. He has to have a big set of balls to call me out in front of the group. I did beat him by two minutes (that's why he was butt hurt) but I did explain that I didn't RX the candle stick portion of the workout and that where I blew by him. Oh well I can't be concerned with haters. My results speak for them self and I'm glad he has time to be concerned with my number of reps as well as his own :-)

Well I gotta get ready for work. See you guys next time and a special shout out to my friends for being who they are......... thanks for just being honest and having the ability to care for someone besides yourself.
Signed sincerely me.........
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