So last week was a very productive and exciting week for me. It was the end of my 60 day nutrition challenge which I was competing in through my gym. There were four test that we conducted and 60 days later we would revisit those test and compare our results. The first test was a one mile run. The second test was a max one repitition deadlift. The third test was a 4 burpee 8 clean jerks (@75lbs) and 12 sit ups and repeat for time in 7 minutes. The last test was max pull ups in one minute without releasing off the bar. Here were my results after 60 days.
1. My mile run went from 7:13 to 6:17
2. My one rep max deadlift went from 305lbs to 365lbs
3. My 7 minute workout went from 5 rounds three burpees to 8 rounds 11 sit ups.
4. My pull ups went from 12 to 18.
After the results were in people at my gym voted and I took second place. Congrats to Morgan on winning that guy has been busting has butt.
After they announced the results on Saturday, it was time to get ready for the Carlsbad 5k with some of the people from Crossfit Trifecta. We made sure that we represented the gray, black, and yellow properly for this event.

The run went well I did it in 24 minutes, that isn't the most amazing time but I started in the back of the pack and the first two-three minutes was all about weaving around people rather than trying to set a good pace. After the run a few of us went to have celebratory pizza. That was exciting because some of us including me havent had cheese or bread in 60 days, so the reward was epic! It was nice to hangout from people from the gym, I feel alot of them are like minded and strive to be better athletes as well as more fit which is right up my alley. Although the nutrition challenge is over it doesnt mean that I'm ending anything. This is just the beginning to a new diet that I will continue to work on as well as improve upon my crossfit skills. Being gluten free/dairy free is challenging and I do miss eating bread, grain, pasta, and cereal. But the fact I've lost 20+ lbs and put on muscle the way I have is amazing and I'm not stopping anytime soon. See you all next time. Staa positive and always pursue success :-)

Signed sincerely me.........
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