So let's get right to it, Valentine's day was indeed an epic failure. The girl (Nicole) I've been crushing on hard has a boyfriend. So Cupid's arrow was fired and then redirected into the ground. But that is OK because I can respect a girl who is in a relationship and will stay by her man (that makes her all that much more attractive, too bad she is taken). Loyalty; you don't find that trait very often these days especially when talking about relationships. It seems like people from my generation are all about instant gratification (or at least the females that I come across are this way). But regardless of how things turned out, which in this case was not in my favor; I will not let it get me down. At the end of the day I still have my health, friends, family, and I definitely haven't even began to scratch the surface of my full potential. So my step mom (Christina) called me today and told me that her sister (my sorta aunt Karen) came across my blog. It's nice to know that people are reading my blog. I also enjoyed the conversation I had with Christina. She reiterated that people never change and that I'm a good guy and that I shouldn't be so down on myself. I would say that since she is a female she knows the oppostie sex better than myself, and always gives me insight into matters I might not understand. She also made me realize that I have less than a year until I start my medical career after I graduate.....kind of scary (and I don't want to leave California).
In other news I crossfitted everyday this week except Sunday (the gym is closed that day) which is good because I need one day to recover. The workouts were intense but I feel I need to step it up more and continue to lose weight. The paleo diet has been rough on my body but I feel that I am getting the hang of it. So I will see where I am at the end of the 60 day nutrition challenge. On Saturday I met up for lunch with a friend (Ali) of mine at Panera Bread. It was nice to catch up with her because we haven't chatted in a while. She has been going through some rough patches like myself but she seems to be making the best out of her situation. Then Saturday night I drove up to Laguna Niguel to visit my friend Jack. Mandaville and I served in the Marine Corps together and have been friends ever since. Jack is from Minnesota and after I got out of the Marines I used to go visit him up there. I like the fact that he is now only 45 minutes away. Jack and I always have good times when we hang out. Well It's Sunday night which means I have to go into work soon. I'm not looking forward to this upcoming week of school, I have three exams so that means that long study sessions are what I get to look forward too. Well see everyone next week and hopefully I can maintain my positive attitude because who knows what kind of curve balls life has in store me. See you all next week!
-Michael Dominick
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