Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Michael DICK Wargin interview (20 questions)

          So I think that my friends are awesome and I think other people should know who my friends are. So occasionally I will interview my friends with 20 random questions and they have the choice to answer them or not. Some of you may or may not already know these individuals that I interview, but hopefully this will give you some insight into who these people are, and maybe even some information about me in the process. So allow me to tell the story of how Michael and I met. Michael Wargin was a dude I met at the VA while working at Palomar College. We hit it off right away, literally; allow me to explain. So I crutch my way into the office at Palomar post knee surgery, and there is this turd sitting in my desk. We didn't have assigned desk but in my state of prescription drugged consciousness I decided that we did have have assigned seats. So I'm staring at this guy (who doesn't even work there yet) sitting at my desk typing away. There are no other seats available and I'm on crutches, so I say "dude you don't even work here why are you here?" He responds and says "what?" I snap back and say "I need a place to sit you don't work here so move." At this point I'm yelling at him, just a reminder to all opium based drugs are very powerful and can make you think you are somebody else. Clearly that day I was king of that particular desk and no one was going to tell me otherwise. Well in my drugged up state I didn't realize but I guess Mike was moments away from clocking me in the face. That was our very first encounter. Shortly after that he was hired (not sure why would want to work their after that first impression) and our love for shit talking and rampant shenanigans turned into a friendship ( gay). So now that we are brought up to speed lets begin the interview.

1. What is your full name?
Michael Wargin: Michael Richard Wargin
Michael Dominick: Alright Dick

2. How old are you?
MW: 25

3. What is your current occupation?
MW: I'm a full time student at Cal-State San Marcos
MD: Go Cougars?!?!

4. What are you studying?
MW: Economics

5. What are some hobbies of yours?
MW: Crossfit, Jiu Jitsu, reading, taking Dozer to the dog park, and helping you (that's me Michael Dominick) with your car.

6. Describe Crossfit in three words?
MW: Exciting, intense, and challenging.

7. In one word what comes to mind when you see a red Hyundai genesis?
MW: ........
MD: At this point he is not saying anything he is just shaking his head back and forth while smirking.

8. What is your favorite food to eat?
MW: Deep dish Pizza
MD: I make a little side not that he likes it DEEP, hmmm interesting

9. Where were you born?
MW: Chicago

10. What is your favorite color?
MW: Red, White, and Blue.....he then pumps his fist and says patriotism (don't worry I'm puzzled too).

11. In ten years you will be......
MW: Finished with my masters doing financial planning, and perhaps traveling.

12. How many pets do you own?
MW: Just one and his name is Dozer.

13. Does it bother you that my dog is cuter than yours?
MW: Your dog is not cuter than mine.....he then goes onto say but yes it eats me up inside.

14. List 5 people you would kill?
MW: At first he was hesitant but then he says Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Elmo, the donkey from Shrek, and then an akward pause......we know.

15. List 5 people you would sleep with?
MW: Amy Winehouse, Whitney Houston, Ms. Piggy, Jessica Biel, and to be determined.

16. A country you would like to visit?
MW: Italy

17: If you could live anywhere where would it be?
MW: I'd like to live in a city, you know more of an urban lifestyle.

!8. Do you have any tattoos?
MW: Yes I have four of them

19. If you could go back in time and change anything about your past what would it be?
MW: Nothing because those events have helped shape me to be the person I am today.

20: Is there something that everyone should know about you that they might not know?
MW: I am a powerful sorcerer that can crush you with my impressive wand......but seriously your blog is mildly entertaining and your misery brings me pleasure.

          Well that concludes the interview. Oh and just for clarification this is my dog......
and this is what Michael Wargin's dog Dozer looks like....
I'll let you the audience be the judge and decide whose dog is cuter.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The cat known as Optimus Prime.

          In 2010 I adopted a cat and named it Optimus Prime. I had a cat as a child but I was never responsible to take care of a cat, so I was a bit nervous when I first got him. But much to my surprise he was very well behaved and took a liking to his brother (my dog Jaegermeister) right away. Optimus Prime and my dog would play with eachother, clean eachother, as well as occasionally lay next to eachother. Its was great during the day because while I was gone for almost twelve hours at a time he had a partner in crime to keep him company. After the break up I left the cat with her, because when I adopted the cat it was meant for us, but that didn't last and I already had Jaeger so we agreed that Optimus would stay with her. When she left and it was just Jaeger and me, I remember when I would come back from calculus and Jaeger would literally sit 18 inches from the door just staring like someone is eventually going to come through that door. He wasn't waiting by the door because he was hungry, or because he had to go for a walk, no he was sitting by the door because he was waiting for his mommy and brother to return. That day never came and me and Jaeger moved into our new home. The one thing that meant the most to me during the break up wasn't my feelings or her feelings, as stupid as it sounds; my concern was a ten pound chiuahuahs feelings. He's a dog and he didn't understand what was actually happening, he just knew that two people that had been in his life were not there. He would whine and mope around the apartment and no matter what I did to make him feel better he would go back to that same spot right infront of the door. The reason I bring this up is because when I parked in my parking spot this evening there was a cat that jumped out of the bushes and he looked like Optimus Prime. Sometimes while I'm home Jaeger still goes by the door and whines uncontrollably. He doesn't necessarily remember what happened last summer but I do remember those days because Jaegermeister wasn't the only one waiting by the door for his mommy or brother to come back home. Now I'm just waiting for the day I can wake up and feel like there's not a gaping hole in my chest.

I never felt alone until I met you..........
-Mike Dominick

Sunday, February 19, 2012


          So let's get right to it, Valentine's day was indeed an epic failure. The girl (Nicole) I've been crushing on hard has a boyfriend. So Cupid's arrow was fired and then redirected into the ground. But that is OK because I can respect a girl who is in a relationship and will stay by her man (that makes her all that much more attractive, too bad she is taken). Loyalty; you don't find that trait very often these days especially when talking about relationships. It seems like people from my generation are all about instant gratification (or at least the females that I come across are this way). But regardless of how things turned out, which in this case was not in my favor; I will not let it get me down. At the end of the day I still have my health, friends, family, and I definitely haven't even began to scratch the surface of my full potential. So my step mom (Christina) called me today and told me that her sister (my sorta aunt Karen) came across my blog. It's nice to know that people are reading my blog. I also enjoyed the conversation I had with Christina. She reiterated that people never change and that I'm a good guy and that I shouldn't be so down on myself. I would say that since she is a female she knows the oppostie sex better than myself, and always gives me insight into matters I might not understand. She also made me realize that I have less than a year until I start my medical career after I graduate.....kind of scary (and I don't want to leave California).

          In other news I crossfitted everyday this week except Sunday (the gym is closed that day) which is good because I need one day to recover. The workouts were intense but I feel I need to step it up more and continue to lose weight. The paleo diet has been rough on my body but I feel that I am getting the hang of it. So I will see where I am at the end of the 60 day nutrition challenge. On Saturday I met up for lunch with a friend (Ali) of mine at Panera Bread. It was nice to catch up with her because we haven't chatted in a while. She has been going through some rough patches like myself but she seems to be making the best out of her situation. Then Saturday night I drove up to Laguna Niguel to visit my friend Jack. Mandaville and I served in the Marine Corps together and have been friends ever since. Jack is from Minnesota and after I got out of the Marines I used to go visit him up there. I like the fact that he is now only 45 minutes away. Jack and I always have good times when we hang out. Well It's Sunday night which means I have to go into work soon. I'm not looking forward to this upcoming week of school, I have three exams so that means that long study sessions are what I get to look forward too. Well see everyone next week and hopefully I can maintain my positive attitude because who knows what kind of curve balls life has in store me. See you all next week!

-Michael Dominick

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Batteries fix everything (at least so I thought)

          So today my mom called to thank me for the edible arrangement that I sent her and my aunt for Valentine's day. She told me that she was going through an old journal of hers and found a story about me when I was four. I thought it was a good story so I thought I would share it with you. So it was 1988 and my parents had just got cable. They put on a Disney movie for me and my little brother. I'm not sure what movie it was but I want to say it was Fantasia, anyways about 15 minutes into the movie the cable box stopped working and we couldn't finish watching the movie. This made my parents upset because they had just purchased the cable service. At this point in my life I had a bunch of toys that were battery operated. So my understanding of electricity was limited but I assumed that if it was electrical it was battery operated, and when one these electrical appliances wouldn't work I figured it just needed more batteries. So since the cable wasn't working I assumed it needed more batteries, so i go rushing into my room and grab some batteries from one of my toys. I then come back into the living room screaming "it's ok everybody I have batteries!" My parents then laughed; at the time I didn't understand but now I understand that batteries aren't used to fix everything. Sometimes I wish batteries could be used to fix an array of things. As a matter of fact I made a list of things that I wish batteries could fix.
1. My lack of companionship
2. My insecurites
3. My memory (I wish batteries could wipe my brain clean)
4. My broken heart

This isnt really how I imagined things to be
-Michael Dominick

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another day in the life

          So it's Saturday and this past week was very busy. In all my classes something was due or had to be read. So far I'm enjoying my classes, with the exception of physics. But physics just got a little better because there is now an SI (supplimentary instructor) for the class, which means study sessions! Also the SI is a regular at Churchill's so that means I can bug him all the time. So on Friday I went to crossfit twice; once in the morning and once in the evening. I did two different workouts that day and I was exhausted by the end of the nioght. Even though I was tired, I still went out with my buddy Mike to Hennessy's in Carlsbad. It was surprisingly empty but that's ok because these days I just like to sit down with some friends and enjoy a Paleo diet approved Vodka beverage. After leaving the bar I was extremely tired, probably because I did two crossfit workouts that day. Then I woke up today and drove over to crossfit trifecta for the Saturday W.O.D. (workout of the day). It was a grueling workout but I felt really good afterwards. Then I spent the rest of the day cleaning my apartment and refilling my propane tank for my BBQ. I made a paleo steak with tomatoe slices. YUM! While I was out refilling my tank, I stopped over to Super Cuts and got a new hair cut. What do you think? I personally like the Feauxhawk but alot of my coworkers think it makes me look douchey, but that's ok because most of them are douches themselves; so I guess I fit right in. So Valentines day is next Tuesday and I'm supposed to be asking this girl Nicole to be my Valentine. LOL. This is either going to be a good Tuesday or an epically awful Americanized holiday. Well wish me luck!

-Mike D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Last weekend was good

          So it has been over a week since my last post. Which is entirely my fault but in my defense last week was very busy for me. The week was a big blur for me so I'm going to post about what I do remember and include some pictures to help visualize my experience. Saturday at 9:00 am is Crossfit Trifecta's one and only work out time for the day. This is also a day that new people can come in and work out for free, which is fine because we all have to start somewhere. So I arrive at the gym with my dog and realize that there a lot more people than I expected. This makes me nervous because Jaegermeister can occasionally bark/bite people if he he feels the need to do so (especially around large groups of unfamiliar people). But my little man did just fine and was so well behaved. In fact I would go as far as saying that he had a good time and was worn out afterwards (seen in this pic taken after the work out).
So after the workout I went back home and sat in the hot tub for about fourty minutes, which felt so awesome after a rough Saturday W.O.D. (Work Out of the Day). The work out itself consisted of an 800m run (half mile), then 20 lunges with a 45lb plate over head, and then right into a 20m bear crawl. Once those two work out's were complete you run 400m (a quarter mile) when you return from the run, you do 20 kettle bell swings at 53lbs, followed by 150 single under jump ropes. Finally to finish out the work out you run another 800m (half mile). I did this work out in under 20 minutes with a time of 19 mins and 53 secs. For me that was a very good time and clearly I've improved since going back to a crossfit gym.

          After sitting in the hot tub for a bit and showering; I realized that I needed a new Ipad cover because the powder blue one my step mother got me wasn't cutting it. So I drove down to UTC, which is the mall in La Jolla. This mall is a bit out of the way but there were two purposes for going there. 1. It's boring to go to the same mall all the time. I like to mix things up and go new places. 2. There is this girl named Nicole I absolutely have a crush on; that I know happens to work at the UTC apple store location. So I go to the apple store and it is packed, but not with customers but with apple employees. There had to be at least 50 employees in a store meant to accomidate 20 employees. Then throw on top of that mess of employees throw in some customers. Needless to say I didn't find Nicole or an Ipad cover for that matter. Now I know why she got me that powder blue case, because the apple store doesn't sell anything else. So I went over to Brookstone and found a very nice leather case for my Ipad. So the trip to UTC wasn't entirely useless I didn't run into Nicole but I did get a sweet Ipad case :-)

          On my way back up to North County I thought about my god son Joaquin Bear Nava. He is a little ball of energy which is absolutely fun. So I stop over to Uli and Justina's house to say hi and as soon as I walk through the door Joaquin is there to greet me with a hug. It's a nice feeling when your appearence has the ability to make someone smile. So I'm talking with Uli and ask if he's going to Costco anytime soon. He tells me he's going in 20 minutes. I ask if I could come and he says of course. So we all roll over to Costco because I needed to buy some items for my Crossfit nutrition challenge. So I'm riding in the back with Joaquin and he's just smiling like this.
          He's a happy kid which is always fun to be around compared to kids that cry all the time; which is fine to because kids do cry, right? So I'm carrying him around Costco giving him free samples of food which is heaven if you are child. Or at least it was for me when I was a child.

          So my gym is having a nutriton challenge which consist of dieting/eating properly for 60 days. At the end of the challenge we compare our before and after photos as well as our work out times. For this challenge I'm doing the Paleo diet which consist of no processed food and or bread, grain, or wheat, and no dairy. To sum up the diet in a short manner it is meat, fruit vegetables, nuts, and poultry. I'm going to stick to this diet to the best of my abilities and give it 100 percent. So after going to Costco and dropping over $200 I would sday I'm up to the challenge. I'm really excited to see what the results aregoing to be after 60 days. But I guess we'll have to wait and see.....
          Crossfit is one of the few joys I feel I have left in my life and I'm not about to stop anytime soon. My goal is to become submerged with crossfit and be the best that I could possibly be. So far the results I've seen are great and make me excited for the future. Since starting crossfit back up I have quit smoking, I have quit drinking (entirely), and most importantly I actually feel better about myself. Not in the sense of self-esteem but better about the cards life has dealt me. After last summer I was self destructive and could give two shits about my overall health. Drinking until I was drunk and or smoking a whole pack in one sitting became the norm. What was I thinking? That's right I wasn't thinking. I can honestly say I never want to be like that again and I'm gonna do everything to not be like that. Well see you guys next blog!!!!!!
          Sincerely, Michael R. Dominick