So it's now 2012 which means it's a new year. I'm starting a new semester, I have a new job, I started at a new gym, and I have new outlook on life. In between semesters I went home to South Florida and visited my family. It was great I got to see my mother, brother, my new nephew, grand parents, and my cousins. The reason I bring this up is because I was having a conversation with my cousin Raymond (or as we call him "little Ray" because my dad is also named Raymond and he is older so he is "big Ray," even though my cousin is 6'5 and is clearly the bigger of the two), We were talking about trying new things. I told him I only stick to the things I'm good at, he tells me how do you know you're not good at other things unless you try them full-heartedly? Well that resonated with me and made me think about trying new things like wine tasting (which is awesome) or creating this blog. Aside from trying new things, I created this blog to share my feelings, opinions, hobbies, and all the other things in my life that have made me the person I am today (Mike D). Some of you may ask "why do you need to make a blog to share your feelings, opinions, etc when there are social networking sites that can do the same thing?" Well I do love facebook and I do love my friends, but I'm sure my friends dont want to read my blogs because a site like that is about short post and instant gratification. But in the event that my friends do want to know what's going on in my life they can hop on my blog and read/post their opinions about them. I intend to post blogs twice a week at the very least, perhaps more if my schedule opens up. So stay tuned there are tons of things I want to blog about ranging from everyday activities, friends, politics, my dog, and life lessons. See you all next time.
-Michael Dominick
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