Saturday, January 28, 2012
Old stomping grounds (people are funny)
So today I was called in to do SAT testing as a room supervisor at Palomar College. Palomar college is where I worked for over three years. That is where I also met and worked with an ex girlfriend of mine. So of course some of the people I do the SAT with still work at Palomar and are fully aware of my debacle of a love life. So of course this one girl Leah comes right up to me and ask if I'm single. Which I replied that I am, which I am sort of. So I'm sort of messing around with this girl from work, it's nothing serious but I realized after my last work/love attempt that is probably not the best idea. Which means that I'm going to end it soon (which is for the best). Then I see Rick who is one of the hardest working men on campus, who I happened to get along with while I was working at Palomar. So we chat it up for a bit and then he says oh by the way I made a faux paw. I asked him what was the Feaux Paw? He tells me he was talking to Jessica (my ex) and he asked her about me and didn't realize we weren't together anymore. Basically this was his way of trying to get information about what had happened between the two of us. So I just replied with we moved into our new place and ten days later she left and never came back. Which is essentially true, sure she came back to pick up a few things but it doesn't change that she left and never returned to stay with me. I really don't like talking about it for a couple of reasons. One it's between me and that other person and is no one else's business. Secondly I don't like being reminded of my failures. Some people might say well it's not completely your fault there were two people In the relationship. And to that I would reply ok sure but I still made the decision to have a relationship with her and conciously put forth the effort to maintain a healthy relationship and in the end it wasn't enough. Or I can look at it as I was in love with someone who was incapable of being loved ( :-( or at least being loved by me). Lastly I just want to move on, it sucks so much that I got involved with someone I work with. That's why I'm going to end the little fling at my other job immediately. I don't want to feel the way I did when I was working here with an ex of mine here at Palomar. I just want to wake up one day and not think back to that period of time. Yes there were some amazing times shared, but if they were so amazing why didn't the relationship work out? Probably because they were not that amazing. I also think about the times when she left me and I was alone, accused of being this controlling dickface. Or when I would sit there thinking about her and what went wrong when I'm sure of the fact that she could give two shits about my existence. Life isn't fair and that's not going to change anytime soon. The point is it's in the past and it's not something I want to relive or think about anymore. I just want to move on and stay happy. I definitely learned a thing or two from that nightmare, but hopefully like a nightmare it's something that only happens so often, and hopefully I only think about her when I sleep this way when I wake up I won't remember thinking about her.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I don't like drama or negativity (work party)
So I went back to school yesterday to start another semester. My first class was Ecology and it was packed. There were 40 seats in the class room and thankfully I found a seat, but it was really uncomfortable in the class because there were also 30 students standing. Just as I was about to give up all hope, this beautiful girl named Nicole (who I had classes with last semester but never talked to) walked into class, and as usual casually strolls in late. This girl is what me and my buddy Mike refer to as a unicorn. Our definition goes as follows, a unicorn is a beautiful girl who is totally unobtainable, just like a unicorn (because unicorns don't exist just like we don't exist to these girls). So after school got out I went over to the Sublime Ale House in San Marcos for our employee Christmas party. Where I work the holidays are our busiest time, so we usually have our employee party in January. It was a good dinner then we all went over to the bowling alley across the street. We were all having a good time but then this one girl named Jenny said something about me to my buddy Josh. She said something along the lines of How I'm so stupid and she can't believe her sister slept with me. So allow me to give you the background to that previous comment. So back in October for about a Month I dated this girl named Anne Marie. She is a very nice girl but things didn't work out; her and I had a difference of opinions. Well as it turns out Anne Marie's sister is a bartender (Jenny) at my place of employment. I had come across Jenny before I met Anne Marie. I would come in and grab a drink at the bar that I now work at, and every time I would come in Jenny would be very cold and unpleasant. The whole time I've ever spoken to her I have been courteous and respectful (because that;s how my mother raised me), but all I get in return is negativity and trash talking behind my back. I just smile and act like I'm naive to everything but I know that she says stuff about me (and they aren't nice things). I'm not sure why she feels compelled to be so cold and cruel but than again that isn't my problem. It's only a matter of time before a courteous and polite person (like myself) will continue to act like that if the other person is always so nasty. I use the word nasty because her personality and character is just that, nasty. I'm pretty sure that's how she is to everyone but that doesn't make it right. So I've decided that I'm not going to interact with her at all. In fact I'm just going to ignore her and the reason I'm doing this is because I'm a positive person (for the most part) and don't want someone like that bringing my mood down. So Jenny if you have the opportunity to read this I want you to know that I'm a big believer in what goes around comes around. All the negativity you cast upon others will be returned ten fold and your daughter will probably grow up to hate you because of the way you are.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Why I am doing this (BLOGGING).

So it's now 2012 which means it's a new year. I'm starting a new semester, I have a new job, I started at a new gym, and I have new outlook on life. In between semesters I went home to South Florida and visited my family. It was great I got to see my mother, brother, my new nephew, grand parents, and my cousins. The reason I bring this up is because I was having a conversation with my cousin Raymond (or as we call him "little Ray" because my dad is also named Raymond and he is older so he is "big Ray," even though my cousin is 6'5 and is clearly the bigger of the two), We were talking about trying new things. I told him I only stick to the things I'm good at, he tells me how do you know you're not good at other things unless you try them full-heartedly? Well that resonated with me and made me think about trying new things like wine tasting (which is awesome) or creating this blog. Aside from trying new things, I created this blog to share my feelings, opinions, hobbies, and all the other things in my life that have made me the person I am today (Mike D). Some of you may ask "why do you need to make a blog to share your feelings, opinions, etc when there are social networking sites that can do the same thing?" Well I do love facebook and I do love my friends, but I'm sure my friends dont want to read my blogs because a site like that is about short post and instant gratification. But in the event that my friends do want to know what's going on in my life they can hop on my blog and read/post their opinions about them. I intend to post blogs twice a week at the very least, perhaps more if my schedule opens up. So stay tuned there are tons of things I want to blog about ranging from everyday activities, friends, politics, my dog, and life lessons. See you all next time.
-Michael Dominick
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