Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I know my self worth and I'm not here to waste time.

This note is directed at someone but I believe the message can resonate with a certain group of people.....

            I'm a fair and understanding individual that is laid back. I do have all of those traits listed all while the same I am very analytical and have an understanding of how things are supposed to be. If you choose not to respond to my text for hours on end and or completely ignore me don't be surprised if I just blow you off and go about my business. Those are my reasons for doing what I do but I don't have to give an explanation to anybody. Granted I can take a hint and understand social cues, but at the same time if I have treated you with nothing but respect the very least I can get back in return is some common decency. Decency; something that is lacking with many people or is forgotten; not for me.

-I'm out

Thursday, May 30, 2013


I will continue to do a lot of this during the summer. Below is me doing regional WOD 6: 50 handstand push-ups, 40 toes-to-bar, 30 shoulder-to-overhead @ 160lbs, and 90 feet of walking lunges w/ 160lbs.

For Memorial day I ran a 10K (6.2 miles) in Carlsbad to pay respect to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and couldn't be here today.

Jagermeister loves car rides and his face says it all. Haha I love my dog!
My summer will consist of MCAT prep down at UCSD, work, and crossfit. Which to me translates into more education, money, and fun. I hope you guys have a productive and fun summer!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Phoenix

I'm not sure what I was reading, but I came across this definition and it has been stuck in my head.

Phoenix: A myhtical bird that lives for 500 years  and sets itself on fire only to rise from its own ashes. The rebirth of this mythical bird represents hope, longevity, and the ability to rise above its own struggles only to become stronger than its predecessor. That is some real boss stuff right there.


Monday, April 29, 2013

No excuses, only results

So I had my comp on Saturday. I did good; I gave it 100% and left it all on the mats somewhere between the sweat and barbells.
WOD 1 (5 snatches & 30 double unders: 7 minute AMRAP)
After my first WOD some of the members from my gym showed up to root me on including my coach. My girlfriend Nancy was there the whole time and is responsible for the lovely pictures you see in front of you. Thanks baby I can't say it enough, and thank you for putting up with my stupid little quirks :-)
After WOD 3 finished shiny from all of my sweat haha!
So shortly after this photo was taken they announced the results. We though that I might've taken first place but they weren't sure. Then they started calling the names........
In case you can't tell that is me on top of the podium.
I got some cool prizes which is always awesome and a doubly cool t-shirt. Thanks to the friendly and courteous staff at Crossfit Delmar. They were friendly informative and ran a smooth operation for the competition. One thing I like about comps is the new people you meet. A cool way to network especially if you stand out :-) So I have been reading this quote it's my new motivation for all aspects of my life and it sums up my mindset. I'm pretty sure I'm going to frame it and hang it on my wall because I believe it is that powerful.
There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.
I can only hope I continue to improve in all aspects of my life including the MCAT prep I will be doing this summer my possibilities will be endless if I am able to focus and make that my main priority. See ya'll next time......
-Michael D
I can only be me because that's all I know :-)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Life is a competition

           6 days and counting I will be competing in a C.A.L. event at Crossfit Del Mar as part of the Saturday night lights individual competition series. I hope I do well but more importantly I hope learn something. Every time I've competed I gain more knowledge about myself and I use that experience to better myself. For the most part that has held true throughout my life. There are some cases where I've struggled/failed at something multiple times before I finally learn to fix it. But the point is at least I fix and improve. When I think of training for a comp I think of the movie Gattaca where at the end of the movie the brothers are grown up and they decide to play chicken. The two brothers swim in the ocean next to each other going out as far as they can and the younger brother who was clearly stronger says to his older brother; "How are you doing this? How are you beating me?" The older brother replied "I swim like I'm never turning around." That motivates me to train like I'm never going to stop until I'm beating my competition.

           I got out of work at 11 this morning and cruised down the street to the Rancho Bernardo/Lake Hodges trails. I think I ran about eight miles but I wasn't really sure. I kind of just run until I'm tired or extremely sweaty and then I turn around and run back :-) I've never done this run before but it's super close to me and I enjoyed the variety of terrain. There is something tranquil about running by mountains and lakes. I enjoyed the run thoroughly and look forward to going back. As for the title of this post. Life is indeed a competition some compete for wealth, social status, food, friends, love, family, sport, or whatever the case maybe. My life is a competition too, I'm just not sure what competition I'm apart of.....yet ;)
Follow your bliss.....signed sincerely Michael Dominick

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


           So after attempting the Crossfit Open WOD 13.4 (3 clean and jerks 3 toes to bar, 6 clean and jerks 6 toes to bar, 9 C&J 9 T2B, 12 C&J 12 T2B, and so on..... going up in multiples of 3) I found my self sitting at 73 reps...Well if you know me I'm never happy with just an okay score. So I went in Sunday (Easter) after work and redid the WOD. The second time around I ended with 83 reps! That means I went up by ten reps!!! For those of you who read this and don't crossfit; that is a big deal in my little crossfit bubble. In other news I went to Palomar college to return a tent to my friend Ralph because I didn't want to drive all the way to Ramona to return it. Palomar was my old place of work and to my surprise I was embraced with the warmest greetings of hugs and hand shakes. It was nice to see people having compassion and actually remembering me. Thanks guys!

         So today I went on a hike with a couple of friends out at Daley Ranch. It was nice and warm not to intense of a hike. It was honestly a very nice and peaceful hike. I can see myself doing that again sooner than later. A hike can be a great way to clear your head if you need it. I can only hope this week continues to be successful and I continue to keep smiling. In other news, I recieved an email about from someone who read my blog and likes how I talk about fitness/crossfit and would like to post it on her cancer blog. Seems a bit strange but I think it's cool that other people take the time to read what I am putting out there. On a side note, just because you think no one is paying attention that does not mean that they are not. They might just not have a response, or if they do it might not be for you to hear (at least to your face).

         I went back recently through my previous I have some insightful messages for myself. I also found a lot of grammatical errors (I really need to work on that). In my defense I type this as it flows out of my head and rarely proof read. In my previous blogs I dwelled on certain issues and sounded like an immature child. I'm not going to apologize for that because that is who I am. I guess outside of this blog you would have to know me, but I am not considered the emotional type. I do have a big heart and I do indeed where it on my sleeve. But in reality I rarley discuss my feelings with people except with the closest of friends and family who are all 3000 miles away. So this is where I vent my frustrations, concerns, and general angst. Even then I'm okay with that because a lot of my views are not only shared by me, I just might be the only person who discusses these feelings/views in a semi public forum (which also maybe a character flaw, to be that open). The reason I bring this all up is because when I went through my previous blogs I learned that even though I feel like I am going nowhere, I'm actually going forward with my life in a way I can look back on and be proud of. Not everything has turned out the way I'd like it to be, but it's turned out the way it is and I'm okay with that.

Signed sincerely me......Oh yea here is some feel-good music that I currently like

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Crossfit Open 2013 (A way to make me shut up)

November AKA Movember which explains my handlebar mustache(Battle at the Barracks 2012).
             So 13.1 Open WOD I only hit 130 reps making it through the snatches at 135lbs (40 burpees, 30 snatches 75lbs, 30 burpees, 30 snatches 135lbs, 20 burpees, 30 snatches 165lbs, 10 burpees, and 30 snatches 205). I can snatch 165lbs no problem repeatedly, but the cardio of burpees absolutely destroyed me. 13.2 Open WOD I did surprisingly well and earned myself 275 reps after redoing it because I only got 240 reps the first time (5 push press, 115lbs, 10 dead lifts, and 15 box jumps 24 inches). Then yesterday I did Open WOD 13.3 sigh.....not a good showing I only got 240 reps (150 wall balls, 90 double unders, and 30 muscle ups in a 12 minute AMRAP). I can string multiple muscle ups together but I didn't use my tme wisely and got spanked :( I truly enjoy crossfit because I've never come across an activity that constantly points out your weaknesses while making you stronger at the same time. It is quite the humbling experience and days like today I don't have much to say. It's like arguing with your girlfriend; she points out your weaknesses (or she could be your weakness) and leaves you speechless. But the exception with crossfit is that I want more. So far the crossfit 2013 experience makes me hungrier for success, makes me want to be stronger, faster, and bring more intensity into every WOD I do. A new motto I'm incorporating into my life is.....
                "Commit to excellence every single day!"

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Confident not cocky 2013 part 1

So I'm back, finally, sort of. Man a lot has happened, first let me just start with this: "Don't stop!" "Because it doesn't work." "I may not be perfect but I will always try." These are things that might mean absolutely nothing to you the readers. But to me these are things that have been said to me or how I feel about myself which I use to motivate me. So let's look at the physical tranformation.

So this is what I looked like in February of 2012. I then decided I wanted more and so I got more, and by more I mean stronger. The transformation that took place physically has also occured mentally but multiplied by two. In other news school and work are still the same.

Crossfit is currently conducting the open. I just did 13.1, which I'm not too happy about my score.

40 burpees
30 snatches 75 lbs
30 burpees
30 snatches 135
20 burpees
30 snatches 165lbs

I only made it through 30 snatches @ 135 sigh....I'm not pleased. I think I'm going to do it again tomorrow. I could've gone harder.

So here's a video of me at Crossfit Trifecta just messing around (chill little montage).

Oh and here's a video of kitten that was following me around my complex. I love kittens!!/photo.php?v=551628514870487&set=vb.100000700307619&type=2&theater

So I'll be keeping you all updated to see how I fair through the crossfit open.